Collaboration platform
Trusted secure mission information sharing
MindLink® offers the freedom to securely share classified information only to those with a need to know, on a federated platform you and your mission partners can trust, in real time.

Data-centric security
MindLink® is a secure-by-design, zero-trust mission collaboration platform offering a range of security features to comply with strict requirements stemming directly from National Security & Defence.
Attribute-based access control
The MindLink® security engine is a sophisticated and multi-layered access control system based on military-grade practices of secret attributes, roles, and security clearances.
It allows chat room access rights to be configured at multiple levels of privilege and granularity through expressive and role-based permissioning rules, using secret attributes and security clearances sourced from trusted third-party directories.
This encourages information flow across the mission theatre though autonomous and devolved management of chat rooms, whilst ensuring that the governance and confidentiality of such highly-sensitive data is maintained.
Sub-compartment security model
MindLink®'s security architecture is rooted in the novel "Communities of Interest" paradigm advocated by the Intelligence Community.
It segregates all aspects of the system - such as chat rooms, users, and content - into secure compartments to enforce strong access-control boundaries, define explicit data handling procedures, and mitigate spillage risks.
This protects highly-sensitive information using best-practice techniques from the IC by ensuring data is organized and shared only with those with a "need to know".
Information assurance
MindLink® protects highly sensitive information using techniques that have been developed for TOP SECRET information by the Intelligence Community.
It leverages a set of prescribed mechanisms based on technology, policy and human behaviour to meet niche requirements for intelligence and defense.
These are provided natively, without the need for external components, as first-class safeguard mechanisms ensuring data is handled correctly and transparently to prevent data spillage or leakage.
Enterprise end-to-end encryption (EE2EE)
MindLink®'s end-to-end encryption is an innovative approach to zero-trust architecture using specialised information security paradigms adopted by the intelligence community.
It leverages the "Communities of Interest" pattern to protect and exchange encryption keys whilst preserving both organisational governance and the scalability required for effective mass-participation, real time collaboration.
This mitigates prevalent insider threat against the vast attack surface of a typical chat system without compromising the capability of the system to support the modern mission.

Instant messaging (IM)
Initiate one-to-one, direct, private conversations.
User presence
Signal your availability and receive other users' availability across the platform.
Persistent group chat
Many-to-many discussions with observable message history.
Multi-party IM
Create adhoc conversations and dynamically add new participants.
Enhanced collaboration, improved mission outcomes
Central to success is to ensure information can be shared confidentially, without loss of integrity and under variable communications conditions, between coalition partners at every level of command.

Frequently asked questions
Here you can find some of the most common questions we receive.
Which platforms are interoperable with MindLink®?
MindLink® is interoperable with Skype for Business with hybrid deployment options. This allows some collaboration modalities to be served through Skype for Business whilst serving others through MindLink®. MindLink® is also offered as a stand-alone collaboration platform.
Click here to learn more.
Can MindLink® deployments be federated?
Yes, MindLink® offers a secure federation capability allowing users to collaborate with users outside of their organisation in a secure and controlled manner.
See our page: Secure Federation
Does MindLink® integrate with my ABAC and IDAM systems?
Yes, MindLink® currently supports a range of ABAC and IDAM systems based on the needs and requirements of our customer organisations.
If you want to know whether your specific system is supported, please contact us.
Can I connect my mission applications to MindLink®?
MindLink® offers an API to integrate mission applications with the platform, enabling automated mission information sharing.
For more information about our API, click here.
Advance your mission collaboration
Get in touch with us today to start your journey towards trusted secure mission information sharing.